JAKARTA - The daily chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP, Ahmad Sufmi Dasco, said that his party had not taken legal steps against the issuer Prabowo Subianto slapped and strangled the deputy minister (wamen) at a cabinet meeting.
This is because the media that spread the issue were fake media that were not registered with the Press Council. In addition, Youtuber who revealed the issue played safe by not directly mentioning the presidential candidate in question was Prabowo Subianto.
"Yes, how about it, we want to report the media, the media is also fake media, which are not registered with the Press Council. Then this is a Youtuber colleague who in one of the media then spoke loudly about how we chose the leader, he also played safe," said Dasco, September 18.
Moreover, said Dasco, the Youtuber admitted to getting the information from WhatsApp groups so that the information contained a disclaimer. The YouTuber also did not mention Prabowo's name as a minister who was suspected of slapping the deputy minister. However, the fake media immediately reported that the minister in question was Prabowo
"Hopefully our people are already so smart, maybe they are not affected. We have experience how come Pak Prabowo was then hit by this issue, that issue. I have spoken to my friends to be patient, in the future there will be more issues that may be raised even more," said Dasco.
Dasco acknowledged that the issue of Prabowo slapping the deputy minister was blown massively. He suspects that his goal is to close the issue of the Democratic Party joining the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) and carry Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 presidential election.
"I don't think we focus on who it is, but this is a massive issue. It's online that is quoted, then Youtube which went viral, but hopefully, if we look at digital analytics, the news about Democrats will remain with the Advanced Indonesia Coalition with a higher rating," he said.
It is known that Prabowo's narrative slapped the deputy minister in a meeting was conveyed by a man named Alifurrahman from SewordTV. In his Youtube channel, he did not mention Prabowo's name directly, but the minister who is the current presidential candidate. It was said that the minister slapped and strangled a deputy minister during a cabinet meeting. The act was also said to have traumatized the deputy ministers and other ministers who joined the meeting felt uncomfortable. The ministers who attended the meeting had intervened.
Information on the attachment and strangulation of the deputy minister was obtained by speakers about 10 days ago from informants who were staff present at the meeting.
Then, news emerged that associated the intended minister were Prabowo Subianto and the deputy minister who were slapped by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Harvick Hasnul Qolbi.
The Ministry of Agriculture also clarified that the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Havrick Hasnul Qolbi, had no agenda for participating in and attending a limited meeting (ratas) at the State Palace in the last 10 days.
"We have checked the Wamentan agenda in the last 10 days, there is no agenda for him to attend the meeting at the palace representing the Minister of Agriculture SYL (Syahrul Yasin Limpo)," said Head of the News and Strakom Substance Group, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Arief Cahyono in his statement, Monday.
Arief added that it is impossible for a flat agenda not to go through protocol at the Ministry of Agriculture.
"The emergence of news circulating is not in accordance with the information scheduled for the agenda of the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture," said Arief.
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