BENGKALIS - Bengkalis Police arrested one of the three robbers against Atun alias Or (83) a resident of Jalan Kelapapati Laut, Bengkalis District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau.

The suspect, named Fadhli, who lives in Damon Village, was included in the People Wanted List (DPO) and is suspected of being the mastermind behind the plot to rob the Terubuk Market by imprisoning and beating the victim on September 3, 2020. Two of his colleagues who have been arrested and sentenced to 1 each , 5 years and 1 year in prison.

"The perpetrator was arrested after the Opsnal Team received information that Fadhli had appeared in Bengkalis and a search and arrest was carried out. The perpetrator admitted that his actions and the proceeds of his crime were pawned at the pawnshop," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Bengkalis Police AKP Meki Wahyudi in Bengkalis, quoted by Antara, Friday, February 5. .

To account for his actions, the perpetrator is now threatened with a maximum sentence of 12 years in prison.

"The perpetrator is the one who invites and plans robbery against the victim. This perpetrator also often causes public unrest due to rampant theft in his neighborhood," added AKP Meki.

Atun, after the robbery, it was found that his family had injuries to his mouth and ears. Then the jewelry in the form of five gold rings on the fingers and the motorbike belonging to the missing victim was taken away by the perpetrator, amounting to three people.

As a result of this incident the victim suffered a loss of approximately IDR 50 million.

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