Secretary General of PKS Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi responded to the confession of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who had information about the direction of the coalition of political parties through intelligence from both the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the TNI-Polri.

According to Aboe, without Jokowi saying so everyone knows. This is because intelligence as a state tool must also provide information to the head of state.

"In Indonesia, there is a president, the president appoints the police chief, the intelligence, there is BAIS, there is BIN, that's the president. Then the intelligence one, those are state tools that are directly structural to the president for information. Actually, the president doesn't have to talk like that, we already understand that he knows the contents of all the intelligence. Only this president is happy to entertain us," said Aboe at NasDem Tower, Monday, September 18.

"Encouraging us to be more careful. As if there was something in NasDem, nothing, it's the same as wanting to win the election, that's the point. So for us what the president said is normal," he continued.

The member of Commission III of the DPR assessed that receiving information from the intelligence agency had indeed become one of the president's works. Later, said Aboe, the president consulted with these parties to protect the country.

"Even inside he can't filter it himself, right. He studied, he had a dialogue with his servants, 'Eh BIN, how about it, please, Mr. Suntana, guarantee it, the prosecutor's office, this is okay. Please make a recommendation for me one night what can we do for Indonesia, right? that's it, it's finished right. So okay, there's no problem," explained Aboe.

Aboe also thought positively about Jokowi's confession, not to mess around and monitor political parties. According to him, it is impossible for Jokowi to divulge things that can cause a commotion.








"If I'm positive thinking. President Jokowi is a good person, he won't use it for anything. If he uses his own map, it's okay, his name is also the president. In the end, it's also seen, if he wins, wins. If he loses, loses. As for the information submitted to us, I'm sure he also can't divulge things that are not good, it's impossible," said Aboe.

"It's not possible, it's funny. At the very least there will be a recommendation for example action, What is done is 'Eh happened here, what is this, and so on'," he added.

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