JAKARTA - Fredy Pratama's drug business is one of the largest in Indonesia. From the results of the deepening, it is known that Fredy Pratama's illicit business is supported by his father-in-law who is the boss of a drug cartel in the Golden Triangle or Golden Triangle area.

"In-law Fredy is a cartel there (Golden Triangle)," said Director of Narcotics Crimes at the National Police, Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa, to reporters, Saturday, September 16.

Based on profiling, Fredy Pratama's wife is a Thai citizen. So, it is reasonable to suspect that his father-in-law is the boss of a cartel in the country with the nickname white elephant country.

"Because his wife is a Thai and his father-in-law is suspected of being a narcotics cartel in the Thai area," he said.

This allegation was also strengthened by data if Fredy Pratama's network took methamphetamine from the Golden Triangle area. Then, circulated through his accomplices to Indonesia.

"That's right. Packaging there to be brought to Malaysia, then dropped to Indonesia," said Mukti.

The Southeast Asian Golden Triangle area is the center of the world's narcotics economy. Its location is in parts of Burma (Myanmar), Laos, and Thailand.

The area, also known as The Golden Triangle, is the largest opium producer in Southeast Asia and also the largest in the world.

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