MUKOMUKO - A total of 20 honorary teachers who are members of regional employees with a work agreement or PPPK in Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu, came to the Mukomuko DPRD because their work contract which ended in June 2023 had not been extended until now.

Dozens of honorary staff were received by the Chairman of the Mukomuko Regency DPRD Ali Saftaini accompanied by Commission III of the local DPRD Sionite and Suwarno in the hall of the institution in Mukomuko.

"These regional honorariums hope that the decree will be extended and a budget will be held to pay their salaries," said Secretary of the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) of Mukomuko Regency Ariyanto as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 15.

He said, as many as 996 honorary teachers and education personnel were spread across children's education institutions (PAUD), elementary schools (SD), and junior high schools (SMP).

The local government issued an honorary decree for six months starting from January to June 2023, until now there has been no extension of the honorary teacher decree, including other education staff.

In addition, he said, the local government plans to use school operational assistance funds (BOS) to pay honorary teachers salaries in this area.

According to Ariyanto, it is impossible for honorary teachers' salaries to be paid using BOS funds because the school has spent and this is for school purposes in accordance with the rules for using BOS funds.

"The work using BOS funds has been running so there is no opportunity to use BOS funds to pay the salaries of teachers and education staff for school honoraries in this area," he said.

Ariyanto assessed that currently Mukomuko really needs honorary teachers because in fact there are several schools that only have one civil servant, the rest are honorary teachers," he said.

In addition, he also questioned the local government's promise when the honorary teacher decree was distributed at the Mukomuko Regional Hall and at the free school uniform distribution event, namely to extend the teacher's decree, including seeking funds in the APBD to pay their salaries.

Chairman of the Mukomuko Regency DPRD Ali Saftaini revealed that the local government did not include a budget to pay honorary teachers salaries in general budget policy (KUA) and priority budget ceiling (PPAS) for the 2023 revised APBD.

"We don't know the reason the local government did not include the honorary salary budget in the PPAS KUA, for that it is better if honorary to ask the executive. If we are ready to approve the budget proposal to pay honorary salaries," he said.

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