The Tanjung Perak Surabaya Prosecutor's Office ensnared a fake doctor named Susanto Article 378 of the Criminal Code related to fraud with a maximum penalty of four years in prison. The consideration is because the man who graduated from high school has cheated seven times into various hospitals.

"In the facts of the trial, Susanto admits that she has cheated many times, committed fraud seven times. That's why we snare Article 378 which carries a maximum sentence of four years in prison," said Head of Intel Kejari Tanjung Perak Surabaya, Jemmy Sandra, Thursday, September 14.

As for the consideration of increasing the prosecution against Susanto, said Jemmy, because Susanto had cheated and was convicted of a similar case. Of the seven frauds, Susanto was prosecuted and sentenced to 9 months in prison.

"He was once caught and prosecuted in East Kutai. The rest were actually caught, but they were not prosecuted," he said.

According to her confession, Susanto moved from place to place to launch her fraudulent act. She moved from one city to another, and used the name of the target or other victim.

Because, said Jemmy, Susanto could no longer use her name in action. Likewise to create a new account, because of her status as a recidivist.

"The original Susato is from Grobogan, Central Java. But he was a doctor in Kutai, in Central Java, and South Kalimantan," he said.

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