JAKARTA - The implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) in DKI Jakarta and West Java is considered to show progress after three weeks of implementation. Seeing this condition, the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 assessed that all regions should be able to emulate these two provinces.

Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito explained, there were at least four assessment indicators, namely active cases, recovery, death and bed occupancy rate (BOR).

"In DKI Jakarta Province, the trend of active cases has shown a decline, where two weeks earlier it showed an upward trend," he said as quoted in a written statement to reporters, Friday, February 5.

He explained, the results of observations in the last week of January or as of January 31, 2021, the number of active cases in DKI Jakarta reached 8.78 percent from 9.85 percent. This figure may be reduced due to increased testing and tracing efforts.

In addition, the Task Force also noted an increase in the number of recovered COVID-19 patients. In the last week the figure rose to 89.46 percent.

DKI Jakarta has also achieved testing which is 12 times the target of the World Health Organization (WHO) in a week. In practice, 87 percent of these tests were carried out with suspicion, probable and close contact which had a positive impact on prevention of transmission.

Meanwhile, the number of hospital availability has decreased but is not significant. Data from the Task Force showed the availability of ICU space in the last week from 84.5 percent to 84.01 percent.

From the results of the coordination of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, the number of ICU isolation beds per day is fluctuating. This depends on the conditions and reporting data from hospitals with a range of bed occupancy rate (BOR) of 75 percent to 80 percent.

"However, DKI Jakarta still needs even harder efforts to improve the quality of service to reduce the BOR rate below the standard, which is 70 percent," said Wiku.

Apart from DKI Jakarta, the COVID-19 Handling Task Force also observed the latest conditions in West Java. Wiku said, the trend of active cases seems to fluctuate.

"Last week it rose from 17.18 percent to 20.74 percent. The same is the case with the recovery trend, which seems fluctuating and last Sunday saw a decline from 81.61 percent to 77.98 percent. For deaths as of January 31, 2021, the figure reached 1,29 percent," he said.

Furthermore, the rate of bed filling can be consistently suppressed and touches 69.52 percent or below the national parameter target of 70 percent.

Even so, based on the results of coordination with the West Java Provincial Government, during the past two weeks, COVID-19 cases experienced the highest spike on January 30 with an addition of 4,601 positive cases consisting of 2,859 new cases and 1,742 old cases.

Thus, the effort that needs to be done is strengthening the health centers through the placement of inter-professional collaboration teams, community empowerment and multi-sector involvement for 3T capacity building, implementing health protocols, preparing vaccinations and continuing essential health services at the Puskesmas.

With all the data that has been presented, Wiku said that the limitation of activities in DKI Jakarta and West Java showed results in several indicators but it could not be said to be successful.

"Because the measure of success, is if a province can get out of the four national parameter indicators set for four consecutive weeks," he said.

"We can learn from the advantages of other parties to be imitated as well as preventable shortcomings. This simple data reflects the importance of communication that exists between components of the central and regional governments, as well as regions and regions to help each other together if they encounter difficulties," he concluded.

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