Building Project Corruption Case, 2 Bengkulu Religious Court Employees Examined By The Prosecutor's Office
Head of the Mukomuko District Attorney's Office Rudi Iskandar, Wednesday (13/9/2023) ANTARA/Ferri.

BENGKULU - Investigator of the Mukomuko District Attorney's Office, Bengkulu, examined two civil servants of the Bengkulu Provincial Religious Court related to the alleged corruption case in the construction of the local Religious Court building.

"The two Bengkulu Religious Court employees were questioned as treasurers and commitment-making officials (PPK) for the Mukomuko Religious Court building construction project," said Head of the Mukomuko District Attorney's Office, Rudi Iskandar, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 13.

The Mukomuko District Attorney conducted an examination of the two employees of the Religious Court to follow up on reports of alleged corruption in the construction of the Religious Court building which terminated the work contract of the Mukomuko Government Policy and Justice Guard Institute (LP KPK).

The examination of these two Religious Court employees is to look for criminal events whether there is a potential for alleged state losses or not.

After this, he said, the prosecutor's office would bring in a team of experts from Bengkulu City to conduct physical checks on the construction project for the Religious Court (PA) building construction project.

"In the near future we will bring in experts from Bengkulu to check the work because it is related to technical work," he said.

Checking the physical work of the Religious Court building project, he said, was to match the results of checking the Supreme Audit Agency (BPKP) with a team of experts from the agency.

"We know that the construction project work for the Religious Court building has been terminated. Do contractors accept payments in accordance with the existing physical work," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Mukomuko District Government Policy and Justice Guard Institute Toha said he was sure that the Mukomuko Kejari was able to investigate allegations of corruption at the Religious Court building.

"We believe and believe that Kajari Mukomuko and his staff are able to uncover this case clearly," he said.

His party will continue to support and oversee this case for the benefit of the region and the wider community, so that there are no more partners who only build but do not prioritize quality and quality.

His institution together with the community in Mukomuko Regency strongly supports the Mukomuko Kejari in investigating cases of alleged corruption in the construction of the PA building.

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