MEDAN - North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Martuani Sormin removed the Percut Sei Tuan Police Chief, AKP Ricky P Atmaja and the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Medan City Police, Ainul Yaqin. The removal was carried out after the viral case of the futsal tournament video full of spectators at the North Sumatra Sports Hall.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Regional Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said that the futsal match at the Mini Fishing Sports Hall violated the health protocol rules. The Medan Police have arrested and appointed a committee with the initials BG as a suspect.

"As a result of holding this futsal tournament, the North Sumatra Police Chief took firm steps to remove the positions of the Head of the Seituan Percut Police and the Head of Criminal Investigation of the Medan City Police," said Kombes Hadi.

The dismissal of the Percut Sei Tuan Police Chief was due to negligence and was unaware of the futsal tournament at Gor Mini Pancing, which is the jurisdiction of the Percut Sei Tuan Police, Deli Serdang. Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal and Criminal Investigation Unit of Medan Kota Police for participating in the tournament.

"According to the instructions of the North Sumatra Police Chief, anyone who violates the health protocol rules, both civilians and members of the National Police, will be given strict sanctions," he concluded.

The move by the North Sumatra Police Chief to remove the police chief and the head of criminal investigations was appreciated by the Head of Badko HMI North Sumatra, M Alwi Hasbi Silalahi. According to him, the action of the North Sumatra Police Chief was natural because all parties were committed to making Indonesia, especially North Sumatra, free from the spread of COVID-19.

"Anyone who violates it is reasonable to be prosecuted. The people will definitely support the Kapolda, that is the best decision. This is not the first. This is not the first time. Previously there was the Sergai Intelligence Unit (removed)," said Alwi, Thursday, February 4.

During this pandemic, Alwi said the community was not prohibited from carrying out activities. But there are rules regarding health protocols and preventing crowds to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

However, all this has to do with implementing health protocols.

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