JAKARTA - The Indonesian government is still communicating with Japanese authorities regarding the process of repatriating Indonesian citizens who are still on the Diamond Princess cruise ship anchored at the Port of Yokohama, Japan. Some time ago, the cruise ship was infected with the corona virus (COVID-19).

"Currently, we are also continuing to negotiate with the Japanese government regarding efforts, techniques, the best way to get them out. So this is negotiating. We are negotiating, but we have to do it in our own way, not at will. If I want to do my own thing I will form a new epicenter. "said Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto at the State Palace, Monday, February 24. Launching setkab.go.id.

On the cruise ship, out of 3,700 people, both passengers and crew, 621 people have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Two of the passengers were declared dead due to exposure to the corona virus or COVID-19. Meanwhile, as many as 74 Indonesian citizens were on the ship.

Terawan added that the government is trying to keep 264 million Indonesians safe from the corona virus outbreak. The Indonesian government, he added, was very careful and did not rush to carry out the evacuation properly.

"We are careful. Our country is very careful and follows the rules set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and we will do it in an orderly and strict manner," he said.

"So that we remain in the green zone. But we also don't underestimate the situation there. But we know the procedure is the right way to carry out the transfer without having to create a new epicenter," he added.

Terawan explained that there were nine Indonesian citizens who were undergoing treatment at hospitals in Japan. Meanwhile, the rest are still on the Diamond Princess cruise ship.

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