JAKARTA - The Saraf surgeon at Mitra Keluarga Kelapa Gading Hospital, Mardjono Tjahjadi, launched the book Understanding Ed's Brain Aneurisma. 2.

Aneurisma is a weakened and prominent brain arterial wall condition (forming a bag) and filled with blood and potentially life-threatening and can affect any age, because it is like a time bomb that has the potential to rupture and cause bleeding in the brain and can be fatal.

Unlike the first edition book, this doctor who is an expert in the Vascular field revealed that he uses language that is easier for ordinary people to understand who want to know more about the disease of aneurism.

"We packaged this book in such a way that this book is easy for ordinary people and doctors to read," said Joy, Mardjono's nickname in his presentation, Saturday, September 9.

He said, this book is divided into 3 parts, including theories concerning aneurism disease such as the anatomy of the brain's blood vessels and smoking theory causing aneurism.

While part two contains symptoms and stories of his experience when treating patients in the ER who often experience confusion when a family experiences aneurism, and the last part is an addition that is not in the first book, which contains stories of aneurism survivors and their relationships after aneurism.

"There are so many stories that his family has changed in terms of emotions and that's where we as members of society must understand what happened and we include the lives of patients with activities and nutrition and so on," he explained.

Joy further explained, reported from several sources, it was said that 1 in comparison to 100 people had the potential to have brain aneurism, but so far the awareness to detect early this brain aneurism is still low.

"This figure is only based on the diagnosis data that has been successfully enforced, not including the death rate due to the rupture of a brain aneurism that died but it has not been confirmed that the cause of the bleeding stroke was not autopsied," continued Joy.

The book launch, which was held at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Kemayoran, North Jakarta, was also attended by a number of Plt. Head of the Health Service, drg. Ani Ruspitawati, MM., Kasubid Yankes, dr. Luigi, MPH, Kasudinkes North Jakarta, dr. Lysbeth Regina Pandjaitan, M.Biomed., Senior Faculty Doctors such as Prof. DR. dr. dr. Satyanegara, Sp.BS(K), DR. dr. Djoko Listiono Linggo, Sp.BS(K), dr. Gunawan Susanto, Sp.BS, dr. Rahim Purba, Sp.BS, several other neurosurgeon doctors as well as several other hospital directors who also support this activity.

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