REMBANG - The police are investigating a case of suspected mistreatment which resulted in four people in one family being found dead at his house in Turusgede Village, Rembang District, Central Java.

"The alleged persecution that resulted in four deaths is expected to occur on Thursday (4/2) in the morning. Meanwhile, reports from residents are around Thursday at 06.30 WIB", said Rembang Police Chief AKBP Kurniawan Tandi Rongre in Rembang, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 4.

The first witness who knew that a family had died was the household assistant of the victim's family who happened to come to work to clean the house at 06.30 WIB. When he came to the victim's house in Turusgede Village, Rembang District, the gate to the victim's house was open.

When the witness entered the house, he found that the victim was dead. Then report the incident to the local Neighborhood Association (RT) and Citizens Association (RW) to be forwarded to the Rembang Police.

The Rembang Police immediately carried out the crime scene (TKP) at 07.30 WIB and until now it is still being continued by the Central Java Police.

The victims were found dead with a bloody condition and suspected that there was abuse with blunt objects, including Anom Subekti (father), Tri Purwati (wife), Alfitri Saidatina (child) and Galuh Lintang (grandson).

Three victims were found in one room, namely father, son, and grandson, while the wife was found in different rooms.

Until now, investigations are still being carried out to reveal the perpetrators and the motives of the perpetrators of this torture, which resulted in four deaths.

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