The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) explained efforts to deal with victims affected by different natural disasters, ranging from floods in Aceh to drought in the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) region.

Acting (Plt) Director of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims (PKSBA) of the Ministry of Social Affairs Adrianus Alla said the handling of floods in Aceh was due to the issuance of the Emergency Response Status which is valid today.

"We have sent a team to Aceh Province, where last week there was a flood that was affected in 10 sub-districts. And this week in the North Aceh Regency area, approximately five sub-districts," Adrianus said in Jakarta, Thursday, September 7, was confiscated by Antara.

The handling carried out includes the establishment of public kitchens and distribution of logistics from the nearest warehouse, namely the Medan Happy Center and the Aceh Darussalam Center.

Meanwhile, the drought that occurred in NTT was the impact of the El Nino phenomenon. Adrianus ensured that the 47 social granaries established in the province could meet the needs of the affected communities.

On this occasion, NTT Disaster Preparedness Cadet (Tagana) personnel Anwar Abubakar revealed that the drought experienced by residents had an impact on crop failure and crop failure, so his party only relied on social granaries to meet the needs of the affected residents.

Responding to this, Adrianus ensured that logistics in social granaries in NTT Province were fulfilled, including those in the main warehouse at the Efata Kupang Center.

"To ensure that this warehouse is in full position and ready to face the impact of the El Nino disaster," said Adrianus.

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