DUMAI - Almost two weeks after being hunted, the husband who killed his wife in Bukit Kapur District, Dumai City was arrested by the Dumai Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim). Dumai Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Bayu R Effendi said suspect S was successfully secured in Lampung Province. However, for details, his arrest has not been explained in detail. "We have been arrested. The suspect was arrested in Lampung," said Bayu, Wednesday, September 6. The heinous incident occurred on Friday, August 25. S is the main perpetrator of the murder of a housewife named Kartini (41 years). S, who is none other than the husband of the victim himself, has been determined by the police on the wanted list (DPO). After killing his wife who was assisted by his two children, his wife's body was wrapped in sacks and dumped on the edge of a ditch under the bridge, precisely on Jalan Akasia, Bukit Kapur District, Dumai City. From the results of the investigation, the sack used to wrap the victim's body came from a stall at Kartini's house. To ascertain the cause of the victim's death, the police have conducted an autopsy. The results of the autopsy on the victim's body, found shaking in the chest and neck bone. In this case, the police have also arrested two children of the victim who were still under the age involved in the murder. The two children, namely K (14 years) and L (12 years), both are stepchildren and biological children.

He explained, from the temporary confession of the two children of the victim, their motive for killing their mother was revenge. "The mode is revenge, because this victim often commits domestic violence against his children. His children are also not allowed to go to school and study like other children. They are asked to work from dawn to evening. There is physical violence, verbal violence, so there is a grudge and is planned to commit murder," he said.

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