The Medan District Attorney (Kejari) has charged the defendant Aipda Suhendri, a police officer who has narcotics types of methamphetamine and ecstasy pills, with a sentence of 6.5 years in prison.
"Asking the panel of judges handling this case to sentence the defendant to 6.5 years, a fine of Rp. 800 million, subsidiary to three months in prison," said Public Prosecutor Rahmayani Amir at the Medan District Court as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 6.
Based on the facts revealed by the trial, said Rahmayani, the defendant was deemed to have fulfilled the criminal element as the first alternative indictment, Article 112 paragraph 2 of Law No. 35 of 2009 on narcotics.
Namely without rights and against the law possessing or controlling the first class of methamphetamine weighing 1.75 grams and 0.20 grams, 71.5 green ecstasy pills, 17 blue ecstasy pills and 3.82 grams of ecstasy pills.
"The aggravating thing is that the defendant does not support the government's program in eradicating drugs, while the mitigating factors that relieve the defendant are polite in court," said Rahmayani.
After reading the memorandum of demand from the Public Prosecutor's Office of Medan, the panel of judges chaired by Oloan Silalahi continued the trial next week with a memorandum of defense from the defendant or a team of legal advisors.
In the indictment, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Area Police, AKP Philip Antonio Purba, arrested Petrus Persaroan Sinaga, found evidence of narcotics class one type of methamphetamine weighing 1.75 grams and 0.2 grams, 71, 5 green ecstasy pills, 17 blue ecstasy pills and fragments of 3.82 grams of ecstasy pills.
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Then the defendant received the evidence at the office, but it was not sealed. Suhendri did not continue the narcotics file because there was a family problem, then kept the illicit goods at home.
After that, the Medan Police Propam picked up the narcotics from the defendant Suhendri. Then, the defendant was taken by the Medan Polrestabes Narcotics Unit for questioning.
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