JAKARTA - PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) politician Dewi Tanjung replied to a question from former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Susi Pudjiastuti on her twitter account, @ DTanjung15.

"Dear Mrs. Susi, you don't have to be bothered by my statement as long as you really sincerely defend the people. I am not a minister, I am just a failed candidate," replied Dewi, pinning a smiling emote quoted by VOI, Thursday, February 4.

The 'war' tweeted by Dewi and Susi Pudjiastuti @susipudjiastuti stems from the alleged racism case committed by social media activist Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda against Natalias Pigai to the criticism that Susi has often made against the government.

In response to the Abu Janda case, Susi even called on her followers to unfollow Abu Janda's twitter account.

Capture the screen from Dewi Tanjung @ DTanjung15 account

Dewi Tanjung then offended Susi by posting a photo. Inside is Anies Baswedan who is still the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) along with several former ministers.

"Nyai thought that Mrs. Susi was not like the ministers who had been fired. It turned out to be the same," said Dewi quipped today.

Departing from the insinuation, the boss of Susi Air replied casually. "Someone knows (Dewi Tanjung)," tweeted Susi.

Dewi Tanjung then wrote several tweets in response to Susi's question, including mentioning herself as a failed candidate.

"Nyai was very impressed with Mrs. Susi. When she was no longer used in the Cabinet, Nyai was very disappointed with Jokowi. But now Nyai just understands, our president may have his own assessment of Mrs. Susi's performance at the KKP with many fisherman reports to the president," said Dewi.

"Thank you for the person who raised you to become a minister. In the past, no one knew you, Mrs. Susi, you should not feel awkward, self-correction and your performance while being the minister of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. you, "tweeted Dewi.

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