JAKARTA - Mario Ginanjar and D'Masiv are two big names from the Indonesian music industry who participated in celebrating the Vintastic Series as Vin+'s 20th anniversary, which will be held at the end of November.

The series for the Vintastic Series will start at Vin+ Arcade, Senayan on November 21 featuring Mario Ginanjar as the main performer. Then, the event will move to Vin+ Kemang on November 28 and 29, with D'Masiv as the main performer.

Afwahadi Octora as Corporate General Manager of VIN+ had his own reasons when choosing Mario Ginanjar and D'Masiv to be displayed. He mentioned the two names representing their visitor segment.

"Here the atmosphere is mature and casual, different from several other places whose live music is more noisy (noise). That's why we chose Mario Ginanjar and D'Masiv," said Afwahadi Octora during a press conference at Vin+ Kemang, South Jakarta, Friday, November 1.

Octra said Mario Ginanjar, who had joined Kahitna since the early 2000s, had a suitable set list for a more casual segment of visitors.

Kita tahu Mario Ginanjar itu kan vokalisnya Kahitna. Dia menyanyikan lagu-lagunya Yovie Widianto. Jadi, musiknya masuk dengan penontonnya yang sama-sama casual, katanya.

Meanwhile, the presence of D'Masiv is considered to represent music lovers from various circles. Rian cs and his works are widely known by the Indonesian people.

"If D'Masiv, because Vin+ Kemang comes from various circles, so we are trying to find a band whose old song is tofu and the new song is also tofu," said Octara.

"Yes, if we mention the name D'Masiv, right, everyone knows who they are and what the songs are, so those who come can join sing along," he added.

Not only Mario Ginanjar and D'Masiv, the Vintastic Series were also enlivened by The Soulful Band, DJ Palma, DJ Aay, and DJ Chris Java.

In addition to musical performances, this event will also present various activities related to culinary, including wine from Vin+.

Meanwhile, the event on November 21 was dedicated to guests to taste exclusive wine from 30 well-known brands. Then, the event on November 28 and 29, was held with the first day specifically for invited guests and the second day opened to the public.

To enjoy the whole event, visitors can make reservations through social media @vinplus at prices starting from IDR 499 thousand.

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