BADUNG - Bali Immigration Officer deported a German citizen with the initials MN who claimed to be an investor in running a business in Bali.

Head of the Class II Immigration Office of TPI Singaraja Hendra Setiawan said the foreigner was deported for disobeying the laws.

"MN was deported through I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport because it was proven to provide incorrect information to obtain his visa and residence permit," said Hendra, Monday, September 4.

German Caucasians were arrested by immigration officers for allegedly providing false data to obtain visas and residence permits.

"At the time of the inspection at the location, the data written in the company's documents with different field evidence was carried out," he added.

Furthermore, MN was investigated and known since the company was founded, MN has never issued capital for its investment activities.

"As written in the deed of establishment of the company and has never reported plans for investment and tax activities in accordance with applicable regulations to relevant agencies, on the grounds that the company has not run from January 2022 until now. In addition, MN also resides at different addresses as stated in his residence permit and has not reported the change of address to the Immigration Office," said Hendra.

MN is subject to Article 75 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration regarding data or incorrect information in obtaining a residence permit and living in a place that is not in accordance with the residential address listed in his residence permit.

"On this basis, MN is subject to immigration administrative action in the form of deportation. All costs related to the repatriation process are fully borne by the person concerned," he said.

This German foreigner was deported on Sunday (3/9) night through I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport. Until now, Singaraja Immigration deported 10 foreign nationals who were proven to be disturbing and did not comply with the laws and regulations.

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