The new chapter of the baby case was swapped in Bogor. The victim's family officially reported the Sentosa Hospital to the Bogor Resort Police accompanied by their respective attorneys. Siti Mauliah's attorney, Rusdy Ridho and the attorney for the mother with the initials D, Binsar Aritonang visited the Bogor Police Headquarters on Saturday, September 2 at around 15.30 WIB.. Finally, today we will make a police report. That has also been a request from our client and this will also make a police report from Mrs. D as well, "Rusdy said, the attorney for the case of the exchangeed baby from Siti Mauliah's family, Sunday, September 3.Rusdy and Binsar said that it was agreed that both parties of the victim would report the Sentosa Hospital with Article 8 Juncto Article 62 of the Consumer Protection Law. We want to report them with the Consumer Protection Law Article 62 because what we will target in this report is that the perpetrators are not individuals of the nurse, he explained. Rusdy explained that there are several items of evidence that will be brought as reinforcement material from the demands submitted by the victims. DNA tests from Puslabfor, then also some evidence that we will later convey to investigators,''' he said. In addition, Rusdy hopes that from this incident the community can take lessons as well and anticipate similar incidents recurrences at a later date.. "So, in fact, in addition to this police report, we would like to take lessons, we would like to provide education to the community, as patients and also as consumers to be respected rights as consumers, the rights as consumers. Because it is clear in this case that many SOPs have been violated by RS, "he said.

"When it comes to immaterial losses, it cannot be cashed. But we are more educated that hospitals should not arbitrarily sacrifice the rights of patients and consumers. Because it is clear that some SOPs were violated, such as the regulations at the Ministry of Health Number 4 of 2019 concerning IMD (Initiation of Early Breastfeeding), it is the age of the baby after being born from 0 to 6 hours Siti's mother and Dian's mother did not get IMD rights, so many SOPs were violated by hospitals," he added.

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