Polda Metro Jaya said the reason why eight members of the Narcotics Directorate tortured DK to death was because they wanted to dig up their information for the development of the case.

Originally, DK was a suspect in a narcotics trafficking case.

"Information does interrogate in order to get information to reveal drug dealers," said Head of Sub-Directorate of Ranmor Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kompol Ipik Gandamanah to reporters quoted on Saturday, September 2.

During the interrogation process, DK chose to keep his mouth shut, making the police officers emotional.

Until finally the officers abused DK which led to death.

"However, apparently the victim still did not provide information," said Ipik.

There were actually nine individuals involved in the persecution of DK.

However, based on the results of the examination, one of them did not fulfill the criminal element.

Meanwhile, the other eight members of the Metro Jaya Police's Narcotics Directorate were processed ethically and criminally. They have the initials AB, AJ, RP, FE, JA, EP, YP, and S.

Suspect S is known to have been on the run. However, he was arrested in the Bandung area, West Java.

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