JAKARTA - The general chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, admitted that he was not hurt by the National Awakening Party (PKB). Although he decided to withdraw from the coalition of parties that supported him as a Presidential Candidate (Capres) of the Republic of Indonesia in the 2024 election.

"Democracy has nothing to do with it, there are no arguments, democracy is a discussion process, meeting, sometimes separating, just relax, we do good for the people," Prabowo told reporters at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Saturday, September 2.

According to him, the people are very smart. So that they can judge the best figure to become a leader.

"People who judge, the people think that every act of every word and the people is not stupid, the people cannot be deceived, we leave everything to the people. There is no coverage," said Prabowo.

Previously, Prabowo also said that he did not care about PKB leaving the coalition of parties. Because, it is believed to be back again.

"But don't worry. God willing, they will be back. Because we think that everyone is our brother," said Prabowo.

PKB left the coalition because it accepted the offer of political cooperation submitted by the NasDem Party to pair Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar as a candidate for president and future vice presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

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