JAKARTA - General Secretary (Sekum) of Baitul Muslimin Indonesia (Bamusi) Nasyirul Falah Amru or Gus Falah believes that the voices of nahdiyin residents do not automatically support the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar duo due to the existence of PKB in the coalition. NU votes in PKB are how much, only 10 percent. That number will not affect at all, let alone the presidential candidate Anies Baswedan, a NU resident must think, said Gus Falah in Jakarta, Saturday, September 2. According to him, NU residents are smart in determining political choices so they do not vote on just one political party. He said PBNU has never instructed nahdiyin to choose one of the political parties, for example PKB. The chairman of Tanfidziyah Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) emphasized that PBNU gives freedom to nahdiyin to determine its political choices according to conscience and the best choice for the nation and state. Gus Falah believes that the Anies-Muhaimin coalition will not erode Ganjar's voice on the NU vote base. Ganjar according to him, as a resident of NU and Nyai Siti Atikoh (Ganr's wife) who is the daughter of the NU cleric, must use the strategy of NU citizens to attract nahdiyin votes. All matters related to routine events of NU citizens will surely Mr. Ganjar will be sowan to come. For example, the sufi congress where Abah Luthfi is in Pekalongan, he is present. The strategy of NU people carried out is silaturmi, sowan, and manut dawuh kiai," he said. Based on the schedule set by the General Election Commission (KPU) RI, the registration for presidential and vice presidential candidates is scheduled to start on October 19 to November 25, 2023.

Sebelumnya, PKB memutuskan menerima tawaran kerja sama politik yang diajukan Partai NasDem untuk menduetkan Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar sebagai bakal calon presiden dan bakal calon wakil presiden di Pilpres 2024.Keputusan tersebut ditetapkan usai rampungnya Rapat Pleno Gabungan DPP PKB yang digelar di Kantor Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah PKB Jawa Timur, Jalan Menanggal, Surabaya, Jumat (1/9)."Menerima dengan baik tawaran Partai NasDem memasangkan bakal calon presiden dan bakal calon wakil presiden, Anies-Muhaimin," kata Sekretaris Jendral (Sekjen) Dewan Pimpinan Pusat PKB Muhammad Hasannudin Wahid di Kantor Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah PKB Jawa Timur.Ia menyebut terbitnya keputusan sore ini menindak lanjuti pelaksanaan rapat pleno pagi tadi di Jakarta yang menyambut baik tawaran kerjasama dari partai NasDem kepada PKB untuk kerja sama politik di Pilpres 2024.

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