Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris issued Mayor's Instruction (Inwal) Number 12 of 2023 concerning Air Pollution Control in the Depok City Area which was issued on August 31, 2023.

Inwal this contains a number of directives that need to be carried out by each Regional Apparatus (dinas), sub-district head, village head, and all State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and non-ASN in the Depok City Government (Pemkot).

"As the Mayor, I have issued the Mayor's Instruction (Inwal), this rule applies to all regional apparatus (PD), sub-district head, village head, and all ASN and non-ASN in the Depok City Government," said Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris as quoted from the official website of the City Government, Friday, September 1.

In the Inwal, there were a number of instructions, first, all PD, sub-district head, village head and ASN and non-ASN to optimize the use of public transportation modes or other low-emission modes of transportation. Starting with the movement to use four-wheeled vehicles with at least three passengers and two-wheeled vehicles.

"So those who use motorbikes to the office should not be alone, these are our instructions, those who bring at least three cars," said Kiai Idris, the familiar greeting of the Mayor of Depok.

Second, carry out emission tests for private motorized vehicles to suppress exhaust gases, the third is not burning garbage that does not meet the technical requirements for waste management. Fourth, wearing a mask during high air pollution with an unhealthy category in accordance with the Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU).

"Our ISPU today is considered good based on the Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS) calculation system from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) raised 37," he explained.

Next, increasing supervision of industries that produce emissions, planting protective trees, watering protected trees carried out by the Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK) in collaboration with the Fire Department (Damkar) and Rescue.

"Then the Department of Transportation and DLHK carry out periodic emission test services and supervision of vehicles that do not meet the emission test requirements, especially on public transportation," he said.

Furthermore, the Health Office (Dinkes) is tasked with increasing people's immune system by providing vitamins to the public, conducting integrated recording and reporting related to diseases caused by poor air quality, such as pneumonia and ARI.

Then, reactivate the Healthy Life Community Movement (Germas) and make education effective to the public regarding Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS). As well as socialization and education to the public to return to wearing masks when air quality worsens.

Then, the implementation of Work From Home (WFH) for ASN is driven by the Personnel and Human Resources Development Office (BKPSDM). This is implemented based on an appeal from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).

"Because indeed from the Ministry of Home Affairs there is an appeal to impose WFH at most 30 percent of ASN and non-ASN within the local government, with priority for those who are at risk of illness, pre-elderly, and pregnant women," he explained.

Furthermore, the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency (DPUPR) oversees the implementation of construction activities by reminding contractors to reduce air pollution through their activities. Then, for Satpol PP in charge of supervising the implementation of the Inwal.

"Meanwhile, the sub-district and village heads disseminate it to the public, such as using public transportation modes, prohibiting burning garbage, wearing masks, especially for the elderly," he said.

"Of course working with Regional Apparatus in reducing air pollution in Depok City," he said.

Finally, the Regional Development Planning and Research Agency (Bappeda) is tasked with planning an air pollution control program and evaluating its implementation. Then, all Regional Apparatus, sub-district and village heads reported the results of the Inwal implementation to the Mayor through the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Depok.

"For all costs required, it is carried out in each related Regional Apparatus, as well as from a valid and non-binding source in accordance with statutory provisions," explained Kiai Idris.

"This is the content of the Inwal that we made for the benefit and welfare of the community," he concluded.

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