BANGKALAN - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said that if the Pilkada time is moved forward from November 2024, then the time should not be too far from the implementation of the Presidential-Vice Presidential Election in February 2024.

"Even if the reason is there, it means that the logic goes in, and there is, don't go too far, maybe it's too far, don't go too far after the presidential election to the regional elections," said Vice President Ma'ruf after Haul Masyayikh, Graduation Retired Students, and 28th Anniversary of Al-Anwar Islamic Boarding School in Bangkalan, Madura, East Java reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 31.

However, Ma'ruf emphasized that the acceleration of the 2024 Pilkada time to date is only a proposal. He said the realization of the implementation of the Pilkada time would depend on the urgency and impact.

If there is an urgency of advancing the Pilkada which can provide benefits to all parties, Ma'ruf said why not so that it happens.

"We will see if the reason makes sense, I think it's just for the good. Otherwise, it will certainly go back for a long time. So if advancing it has added value, the value of goodness, why not, it could be like that," said Ma'ruf.

The discourse on changing the schedule for the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections has recently surfaced because there is an assumption that the vote in November is considered not in accordance with the initial design of simultaneous regional elections.

The discourse on changing the election schedule also appeared in the public sphere so that the wheels of regional government leadership would not be filled by the acting regional head for too long.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR RI Yanuar Prihatin assessed that a more in-depth study was needed regarding the proposed amendment to the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Election (Pilkada) schedule which was submitted from 27 November to September 2024.

"This schedule change has the potential to cause new noise, as well as encourage public distrust of election organizers and lawmakers," Yanuar said in a statement received in Jakarta, Friday (25/8).

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