JAKARTA - The Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Muhammad Tito Karnavian said the public could file a lawsuit against regional regulations (Perda) which were considered intolerant.

A lawsuit can be filed by conducting a material review to the Supreme Court (MA).

This was conveyed by Minister of Home Affairs Tito during the signing of the SKB on the Use of Uniforms and Attributes for Students, Educators and Education Personnel in the School Environment online, Wednesday, February 3.

"Another mechanism, namely a lawsuit from a third party or parties deemed to have different opinions about the intended perda (intolerance), is submitted to the Supreme Court, because for the level of the regional regulation that is testing it is the Supreme Court," said Tito.

The task of the Ministry of Home Affairs is to provide guidance and encourage revisions to these perda in the DPRD.

So far, his party has assigned the Director General of Politics and Public Administration to evaluate and study regional regulations that smell of intolerance.

"I don't want to be specific about the areas and what are the findings. But there are other things, if in the past the Ministry of Home Affairs could annul local regulations that smelled of SARA or intolerance, but with the Constitutional Court decision in 2015, the Ministry of Home Affairs no longer has the authority to evaluate or annul local regulations set by regions, "he explained.

The Ministry of Home Affairs also has the task of guiding regions that guide and supervise regional governments. There are a number of instruments that can be implemented in order to prevent the formation of a Perda SARA or intolerance, namely when the draft perda drafting mechanism.

"There is an authority from the Directorate General of Regional Autonomy to facilitate. If there is a moment or substance that leads to intolerance and harm, we can make input and correction, "said Tito.

The purpose of this is to protect the area in accordance with the values of pluralism, tolerance and moderation.

A number of school regulations that oblige or prohibit religious attributes are rooted in a number of local regulations that are allegedly intolerant.

The government issued a Three Ministerial Decree which regulates the Use of Uniforms and Attributes for Students, Educators and Education Personnel in School Environments Organized by Local Governments at Primary and Secondary Education Levels.

The decree explains that the use of uniforms with religious attributes is a personal decision and not a school or local government decision.

Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian (ANTARA)

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