JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the MPR Yandri Susanto reminded the state to prosper teachers because the high quality of education depends on the quality of the teachers.

"The low level of quality of education depends on the quality of the existing teachers. The quality of human resources (HR) of a nation depends on the pattern of education provided. Therefore, the state is obliged to provide welfare to teachers," Yandri said in a written statement, Tuesday, August 29, which was confiscated by Antara.

This was conveyed when he received the aspirations and demands of the National Inpassing Teachers Association (PGIN) which held a demonstration in front of the MPR/DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, August 28.

Yandri also promised to fight for these aspirations as much as possible, one of which was by conveying it directly to the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas and Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

"I will convey the aspirations and demands of ladies and gentlemen," he said.

Yandri said that he would also convey that there would be a quota balance between public schools and madrasas, especially private madrasas, in the appointment of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK).

"I have repeatedly said that the responsibility of educating the nation's children is also carried out by private educational institutions, so there should be no difference in treatment between public schools and private schools. If there are no private schools, many public children do not get the opportunity to go to school," he said.

In addition, he promised to directly convey the demands for the revision of the Minister of Religion Regulation (PMA) Number 43 of 2014 concerning Procedures for Payment of Professional Allowances for Teachers, Not Civil Servants, to the Ministry of Religion at the Commission VIII Working Meeting of the DPR which will be held with the Ministry of Religion.

"I will submit the proposed revision of PMA Number 43 of 2014 so that it is included in the calculation of the working period in the payment of TPG (Teacher Professional Allowance)," he said.

Including, he continued, he would submit a suggestion that recommendations as a condition for taking the PPPK test are sufficient from the Ministry of Religion in Regency/City, making it easier for inpassing teachers to get their recommendations.

"Later, we will try to make recommendations as a condition for PPPK that it is sufficient to be requested at the district/city Ministry of Religion's office so that there is no need to take care of it at the provincial office," he said.

Yandri also promised to convey his aspirations regarding the unpaid TPG inpassing for teachers in East Java to the Ministry of Religion.

"Earlier I heard that TPG in East Java is still in debt, so it has not been paid. God willing, I will convey it to the Ministry of Religion so that it is immediately paid by the state because it is the right of all fathers and mothers," said Yandri.

He also reminded the participants of the action not to do anarchism, while giving appreciation to the security forces from the police and security elements in the MPR/DPR who had been guarding the demonstration running in an orderly and smooth manner.

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