JAKARTA - The police arrested three students who were suspected of pouring hard water on six junior high school students in Muara Kamal, Penjaringan, North Jakarta. The 3 students had the initials VG (15), MM (15), and IA (15). Based on the results of the examination, it turned out that the perpetrators were wrongly targeted so that other students became victims.
"(The perpetrator) is still 15 years old who attended a junior high school in West Jakarta," said Gidion when confirmed, Monday, August 28.
Gidion explained that the incident began with a group of perpetrators accepting challenges from other students with the initials W to do a brawl.
Then the gang of perpetrators looked for the challenging W bar. At that time, the perpetrator suspected that the person who challenged him was in a truck, so that without saying anything they approached and poured hard water on the group.
"Then the hard water was poured on other people, namely the 6 victims of MSI (13), AZK (14), HAK (13), FAG (14), MN (14), and CB (14)," he said.
Perpetrator W is still being investigated by the police regarding the incident. Meanwhile, the victims have been subjected to medical examinations and investigations by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Penjaringan Metro Police.
"The injured victims have received medical treatment and have not received any injuries that damage their vital organs," he said.
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