JAMBI - Batanghari River is starting to dry up. The height of the river water in Jambi is currently only 9.43 meters.

"The Batanghari River has started to dry up due to the El Nino phenomenon or the high heat temperature has made the river water begin to dry up, where currently the water level is only 9.43 meters from the normal water level limit of 10.50 meters," said Jambi Province's Watershed Hydrology Division (BWS) staff, Rendy, in Jambi, Monday, August 28, confiscated by Antara.

The water level of the Batanghari River has begun to recede or dry up gradually since the end of July 2023. If the condition of the day is without rain, it is estimated that the surface of the Batanghari river will continue to recede.

The Sumatra River Basin Center (BWSS) VI Jambi Province noted that in the last few days from the 9.5 meter surface and now it has receded to 9.43 meters or below the standard and from year to year the Batanghari River has always experienced ups and downs in August, this is due to the peak of the dry season every year.

"So far, the receding river water has not disrupted the availability or supply of water users, such as for Regional Drinking Water Companies (PDAM) and other water companies because the availability of water is still very sufficient for the Jambi Province," said Rendy.

Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati said global warming triggered a shift in the pattern of seasons and air temperatures which resulted in increased frequency and intensity of hydrometeorological disasters.

One of them is the drought caused by El Nino as it is today, exacerbated by the human act that led to forest and land fires and as a result could trigger increased carbon emissions and particulates into the air.

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