Denpasar Police examined seven witnesses to the death of a motorcycle rider with the initials Ni Wayan Madiani who was hit by a foreign national (WNA) from Ireland with the initials Matthew Robert Mctruk (36) in Kuta, Badung, Bali.

"Investigators have examined seven witnesses in the case and the suspect has also been investigated," said Denpasar Police Public Relations Section Head AKP I Ketut Sukadi as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, August 26.

Sukadi said that currently the MRM perpetrators are still being held at the Mapolresta detention center from July 28, 2023 until today while waiting for the case file to be declared complete by investigators

The detention of MRM perpetrators has also been requested to extend to the Denpasar District Attorney for 40 days. Until now, the case file is still being completed by investigators.

"After the complete examination file, in the near future we will also send it to the Public Prosecutor," he said.

Earlier on Thursday (26/7) MRM driving a white Pajero sport car hit NWM at Simpang Jalan Sunset Road, Kuta, Badung. In the collision incident, the NMS victim immediately died on the spot.

After the collision, the MRM perpetrator fled from the scene of the case to the Sanur area, Denpasar. The perpetrator also left the car in the Bangsal Beach area, Sanur, South Denpasar.

After being arrested, investigators revealed the reason why the foreigner hit the victim was suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol.

Denpasar Police also charged the perpetrator with multiple articles for causing an accident and not giving rice cake to the victim after committing a traffic violation.

The police charged him with Article 310 paragraph (4) of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (UU LLAJ) with a maximum penalty of six years in prison and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 12 million. In addition, the Irish foreigner was subject to Article 312 of the LLAJ Law with a maximum prison sentence of three years for not providing assistance after hitting the victim.

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