Cileungsi River Pollution, Company On Gunung Putri Closed By Bogor Regency Government
Bogor Pemkan DLH officers conducted an inspection of the company to do river pollution (doc Bogor Regency Government)

BOGOR - Bogor Regency Government through the Environment Agency (DLH) has enforced the law against one of the companies in the Gunung Putri area.

The company was proven to pollute the Cileungsi River Basin (DAS) by disposing of waste and managing waste not in accordance with existing regulations.

This was explained by the Head of Law Enforcement and Management of B3 Waste, DLH Bogor Regency, Gantara Lenggana. According to him, environmental law enforcement activities were carried out against one of the companies that was allegedly disposing of waste and managing waste that was not in accordance with applicable regulations, thus polluting the Cileungsi Sub-watershed.

In the field, we found that there were violations committed by companies near the Cileungsi River. First, there is a bypass drain from the inlet to the Cileungsi River. Then, there are uncontrolled wastewater seepages that pollute the flow of the Cileungsi river, which we are currently handling from upstream to downstream," explained Gantara, Friday, August 25.

For this violation, continued Gantara, the Environment Agency installed a line for Environmental Supervisory Officers (PPLH Line), meaning temporarily closing the location of the company's wastewater treatment plant. Second, permanently closing the bypass channel or directly to the Cileungsi River. Then we installed the ban board.

"So the consequences for the company must immediately make improvements and recovery of the media contaminated with waste. The company must also immediately clean up the channels that have been contaminated with waste around the Cileungsi Sub-watershed adjacent to the company," he said.

Furthermore, said Gantara, during the repair and recovery process of the medium contaminated with waste, the company must cooperate with other parties or managers (collectors/users/users/processers/buntors) of licensed B3 waste, so as not to pollute the Cileungsi Sub-watershed again. The company is given a time limit and continues to be monitored in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Later on, there will also be further steps, such as later on to the freezing and revocation of environmental approval and even Business Licensing," he said.

He revealed, so the Bogor Regency Government does not remain silent, inherent surveillance activities or specific supervision of companies that are allegedly negligent in controlling water and air pollution, and LB3 management does not stop today, we will continue to carry out similar activities.

"But we cannot do it alone, related agencies, the community and all stakeholders must join hands together, support the optimization of the handling of environmental pollution in the Cileungsi watershed," he said.

Gantara appealed to all business actors to obey the rules related to controlling water and air pollution, as well as managing hazardous and toxic waste (B3), in accordance with the law on environmental protection and management.

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