YOGYAKARTA - Ganjar Pranowo's presidential candidate accompanying PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri inaugurated the Bung Karno Statue at Omah Petroek, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Wednesday, August 23.

The Bung Karno statue at Omah Petroek is a symbol of Soekarno as a digger of Pancasila values that must be preserved and maintained.

Besides Ganjar Pranowo, he was also present to accompany Soekarno's daughter, Hasto Kristiyanto, Secretary General of the PDIP, Father Sindhunata, and artists of the statue of Dunadi. Other artists, including Butet Kartaredjasa, Encik Krisna, Totok Hedi Santosa, and others were also present at the cultural event.

"There are figures, Mas Dunadi is a great speaker, there is Father Sindhunata, and this is a place where the landscape is very good. It turns out that here artists, religiousists, community leaders who usually discuss many things about the nation's problems and how to solve it with a cultural approach," said Ganjar.

The six-meter-high statue of Bung Karno was beaten by an artist or a Dunadi witness. The statue shows the figure of Soekarno who stands tall with his right hand pointing towards Sang Saka Merah Putih who is in front of him. Meanwhile, Soekarno's left hand holds the book.

The statue is a symbol of how Soekarno has explored the values of the Indonesian nation which he later named Pancasila. The values of Pancasila which must currently be preserved as the ideology of the Indonesian nation.

Bung Karno in exploring the values of Pancasila also uses a cultural approach. So that Bung Karno could find five basic things that the Indonesian nation has that can become the basis of ideology as a country. According to Ganjar, this cultural approach is also needed to internalize the values of Pancasila in everyday life.

"I think it's very good and of course there are Indonesian values that are included in the Pancasila grains, we must implement them. So the Pancasila must be in action and this is where the cultural approaches are carried out. I think the landscape is good, the statue optics is good but the value is much better," said Ganjar.

Dunadi as the maker of the Bung Karno Statue said that the statue that was inaugurated was a gift for Omah Petroek. He chose the Bung Karno Statue because it was inspired by cool, comfortable Omah Petroek, a magnificent building and tolerance.

"There is a library here and I read there is a book about Pancasila. I was moved to make a statue of Bung Karno in Omah Petroek because he was the one who dug up the values of Pancasila. Omah Petroek is a symbol of tolerance because everything is here," he said.

Danadi also said that Bung Karno was a leader who was also an extraordinary artist, because many of his relics had high artistic elements. He hopes that in the future a leader who can also embrace an artist and figure will lead to a Ganjar Pranowo.

Meanwhile, Megawati Soekarnoputri said that the Bung Karno Statue at Omah Petroek was very appropriate. Because Bung Karno is not only a politician but also an artist. He even admitted that he was very happy because he was invited to inaugurate the Bung Karno Statue in a beautiful place.

"It's impossible if I don't want to come to this place. Usually I am invited for political affairs. I am happy to be invited to an event like this. My father is not only a politician but also an artist. Since childhood I was taught art, he has been taught to dance," he said when giving a speech.

Megawati explained that Soekarno deliberately taught art, especially dancing, to his children so that they could process their feelings. Because in dancing there are beats and movements while changing movements usually use one particular sign.

"Usually using the sound of 'krips', it's heard ears but also with feelings. I often think. Luckily there are still many places like this. I'm sure there are many other places in areas like this."

"It is not easy to shift, in the term Bung Karno, personality in the field of culture. The taste is a vibration in the heart. That flavor cannot be known by many people. Those who gather are cultural observers, clergy. That is suitable," he said.

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