Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri denied that her party panicked after the Golkar Party and the National Mandate Party (PAN) gave support to Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). He admitted that he was surprised by the narrative circulating.
This was conveyed by Megawati when speaking to Party cadres at the DPD PDIP Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Tuesday, August 22. In this activity, he was accompanied by Ganjar Pranowo, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, and PDIP DPD Chairperson DIY Nuryadi.
Initially, Megawati said she knew there was a narrative of this panic from a newspaper. In the news that was read, the party bearing the bull symbol was said to be panicking.
"Imagine, this morning before I left, read the newspaper. Wow, there is one newspaper that I think, I think, gongpo, yo, how come, sentiment with the PDI-P? I never bothered him. (Koran) That said, ‘wah, now the PDI-P is panicking ’ that's it," Megawati was quoted as saying in a written statement.
Seeing this narrative, Megawati was confused. "Well, I panicked, you know,” said the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia was greeted with laughter and applause from the cadres.
He couldn't understand the narrative circulating. So, Megawati plans to hold an event that also invites the general chairman of big parties in the country.
The hope is that from the event the public can assess the PDIP's attitude. "I've spoken to Mr. Hasto, whenever, let's make it, yes, another big meeting, we invite all general chairmen, let's see, the PDI-P is ready or not. Panic or not, that's it," he said.
Not getting there, Megawati also talked about her relationship with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). He said that currently there are parties who deliberately lead opinions if they are apart at this time.
In fact, Megawati made sure that this was not true. "Well, how come it's good, you know, he's sopo, iso makes panic, opo, opo, opo, opo, wong I think. Not to mention, wow, I'm with Pak Jokowi, it seems like I'm not friends anymore, that's it," he said.
However, Megawati realized that efforts to lead the opinion certainly did not need to be fought. He said PDIP must solve all issues circulating with a fighting spirit.
"In my opinion, (rather than fighting against opinions, red) let's fight, show (our spirit and strength, ed)," he concluded.
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