The PDI-P responded positively to the results of the Kompas Research and Development survey which placed Ganjar Pranowo in the top position as a presidential candidate (candidate). In the Kompas R&D survey, the 5th simulation of the presidential candidate showed Ganjar Pranowo in the first position with 31.8 percent, Prabowo Subianto 27.8 percent and Anies Baswedan 15.6 percent. PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said he was optimistic about Ganjar Pranowo's regency movement (rebound). Moreover, the difference in Ganjar's advantage was 4 percent higher than Prabowo. "This shows that the people's huge acceptance of Ganjar Pranowo is in line with the wider level of being known," said Hasto in his statement, Monday, August 21. Hasto explained, in an internal study through the FGD, the people have seen a difference in character between Ganjar Pranowo and other presidential candidates. According to him, the doctrine of raising 'Ganjar for All' and the importance of continuity with President Jokowi, Indonesia's Advanced Quick Movement is increasingly recognized. On the other hand, he continued, the success of completing one million poor people in Central Java, the program to buy land can be home, as well as the populist leadership character Ganjar, likes blusukan and lives in people's homes to become Ganjar's strong points of leadership. "So Ganjar is known for his commitment to the welfare of the people. That's why Ganjar is perceived as the strongest as the figure who continues Jokowi's leadership," said Hasto. Hasto said, with Ganjar Pranowo's electoral increase, cooperation between PDIP, PPP, Perindo, and Hanura together with all elements of volunteers will be further improved. "“What has been done by PDI-P members and cadres with all regional heads and members of the legislature by attaching Ganjar Pranowo's stickers to the doors of the people will be even more intense," he said. Hasto added that the people's enthusiasm for Ganjar's leadership will increase after completing his responsibilities as Governor of Central Java on September 5, 2023.
“After that, Ganjar Pranowo with high stamina will move more massively. This is where Ganjar Pranowo's track record, character, fighting power, and future vision will be the key in the presidential election contestation," he concluded.

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