YOGYAKARTA - Visitors to Prambanan Temple tourist destinations can take a close look and take pictures in front of contemporary works of "KAWS:HOLIDAY" which were presented at the Brahma Temple field on August 19 to 31, 2023. Prambanan Temple visitors can enjoy the 'KAWS: HOLIDAY' statue and can see directly from close to and photo without being charged," said Board Member of AKG Entertainment Axton Salim in Prambanan, Sleman, DIY, Saturday, August 19. According to him, although it is permissible to approach and take pictures in front of the 45-meter-long giant statue with a height of 50 meters, visitors should not hold or touch it. "If approaching and taking pictures are allowed, but they cannot hold or touch it. This is for reasons of the safety and authenticity of the work," he said. Axton Salim said he was very happy that KAWS:holIDAY had chosen Indonesia for his latest purpose. "We hope that the pairing between ancient architectural heritage and contemporary art can show the beauty of what Indonesia can offer to the world," he said.

Karya seni kontemporer seniman dunia Brian Donnelly atau KAWS hadir di pelataran Candi Brahmana di komplek Candi Prambanan selama dua minggu penuh mulai 19 hingga 31 Agustus 2023.Brian mengaku dirinya merasa terhormat dengan dipajangnya patung karyanya di Indonesia, di mana karya ini dapat dinikmati oleh publik dan menjadi bagian dari lanskap budaya yang dinamis di negara ini.Menurut dia, seni memiliki kekuatan untuk menyatukan orang dan menginspirasi koneksi yang bermakna. "Saya bersyukur atas kesempatan untuk berkontribusi pada hal itu melalui pekerjaan saya," katanya.Sebelumnya 'KAWS: HOLIDAY' yang diselenggarakan oleh AllRightsReserved dimulai di Seoul dan sejak itu melakukan perjalanan ke Taipei, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bristol, Singapura, Gunung Changbai, Melbourne.

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