JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party responded casually to the meeting between PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar and PDIP presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo. Gerindra actually invited Cak Imin to communicate with anyone, including elites or presidential candidates from outside the coalition.

"We invite Pak Muhaimin to communicate with anyone. And we feel that the communication made by Pak Muhaimin with all these figures is part of an effort to strengthen friendship, strengthen positions, unity, and integrity," said Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani in Jakarta, Saturday, August 19.

Although Ganjar is another coalition presidential candidate, Muzani said the meeting of the two was not seen as a defection. Instead, he said, these two different choices even gave a peaceful message ahead of the 2024 General Election.

"Despite the gathering, the meeting was held with a presidential candidate who was different from the choice that had been decided, we thought the meeting was actually good for giving messages to the public," said Muzani.

Muzani also added that in the midst of the atmosphere still commemorating August 17, 1945, all must give peace, coolness, calm, message of unity, message of togetherness.

In fact, Muzani admitted that his party already knew about the meeting. He believes Cak Imin met Ganjar still in the context of friendship and strengthening unity.

"In my opinion, what Mr. Muhaimin and Mas Ganjar did was still within that framework and we already knew the meeting took place," said Muzani.

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