JAKARTA - A member of the Pusaka Flag-raising Troop (Paskibraka) carrying a flag-baking, Curry Indriani Suparman Wenda, successfully completed his task even though his left shoe was released during the Proclamation Ceremony at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Thursday, August 17. Lilly is a member of the Paskibraka representative of the Papua Province of the Mountains who served together with the Advanced Indonesia Team. Based on a video show of the Proclamation Seconds Ceremony, as broadcast via the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Thursday,kobel seemed to still wear both sandals when receiving a duplicate of the heirloom flag from President Joko Widodo. He also brought the White Sang at the Merdeka Palace Square to be flown with Nathaniel Shawn Edgar Sondakh, who represented North Sulawesi Province, as a supporter and Alfin Alfarisi representative from West Sumatra as the driver of Sang Saka Merah Putih. As the Paskibraka ranks moved forward from the Merdeka Palace Field towards President Jokowi's pulpit, Lilly was seen wearing only right-wing. However, this did not affect his appearance. Vera remained focused and smiled completing her assignment until Paskibraka left to the right side of the Merdeka Palace Building.

Lilly adalah pelajar SMA Negeri 1 Wamena dan merupakan perwakilan pertama dari Provinsi Papua Pegunungan, salah satu dari tiga provinsi baru di Papua, sebagai anggota Paskibraka. Dia bersama 75 orang anggota Paskibraka dikukuhkan Presiden Joko Widodo di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Selasa 15 Agustus.Pada Upacara Detik-Detik Proklamasi HUT ke-78 RI, Danmen Armed 2/PY/2 Kostrad Kolonel Arm Joko Setiyo Kurniawan menjadi Komandan Upacara Peringatan Detik-Detik Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. Sementara itu, Danki A Yonif 7 Mar Brigif 4 Mar BS Kormar Kapten Mar Ganteng Prakoso bertindak sebagai Komandan Kompi Paskibraka.Kemudian, bertindak sebagai perwira upacara adalah Brigjen TNI Arkamelvi Karmani. Pria kelahiran 10 Februari 1967 tersebut saat ini menjabat sebagai kepala Staf Komando Garnisun Tetap I/Jakarta. Ia merupakan lulusan Akademi Militer tahun 1989.

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