DENPASAR - People with disabilities who are members of the Light Mutiara Ubud Foundation with the spirit of independence break through the limitation of wheelchair rows in the incline between Kedian Village and Kintamani's Embankment as far as 5 km carrying the Red and White flag. "There are about 10 persons with wheelchair disabilities to navigate the incline as far as 5 km while carrying the Red and White flag to be flown in Penelokan, Kintamani," said I Wayan Damai, administrator of the Light Mutiara Ubud Foundation in Kedian Village, Bangli, Thursday, August 17. After carrying the Red and White flag at the incline of 5 km, later around 45 persons with disabilities who waited in Penelokan, Kintamani, will present a ceremony and fly the Red and White flag brought from the Kedisan Village. With 10 people with disabilities, each will carry the Red and White flag as far as 500 meters to the peak. According to I Wayan Damai, this is the first time in Bali and perhaps in Indonesia, the people with disabilities pedaled wheelchairs in sharp inclines for 5 km. "The purpose of this activity is to encourage people with disabilities to continue to work and to do real for themselves and the environment as well as the surrounding community," said I Wayan Astaya, one of the disabled person who leads the relay. In his speech, I Wayan Astaya explained that this activity is a form of gratitude and gratitude to the heroes who are already struggling, sacrificing blood and life, to achieve the independence of the Republic of the Republic of Indonesia.

Kapolres Kintamani Ruli Agus Susanto mengaku merinding melihat semangat para disabilitas di Bali dengan mengayuh kursi roda menaklukkan tanjakan tajam sepanjang 5 km antara Desa Kedisan hingga Penelokan, Kintamani."Kami mendukung kegiatan yang mulia ini dalam rangka memperingati HUT ke-78 Kemerdekaan RI. Melihat kondisi jalanan tanjakan sangat tajam, jangan dipaksakan jika tidak kuat," kata Kapolres Kintamani.Kapolres Kintamani dan Danrem Bangli ikut melepas dan menyerahkan bendera Merah Putih kepada para peserta estafet 10 penyandang disabilitas. Dengan tanjakan sepanjang 5 km diperkirakan para penyandang disabilitas dapat menempuh dalam waktu 1,5 - 2 jam.

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