JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, opened the First Trial Period for 2023-2024 as a series of the annual session of the MPR/DPR/DPD RI, Wednesday, August 16. In her speech, Puan showed off the achievements of the institution under her leadership, especially legislative products.
"On this occasion, we convey the performance of the Formation of Laws since 2019 until now, which are a number of laws that have been discussed by the DPR RI with the Government, namely a total of 64 (sixty-four) Laws through the DPR RI Apparatus," said Puan.
As for the details of the AKD that succeeded in distributing the products of the law, namely, Commission II of the DPR hatched the most laws with 26 laws, followed by the Legislation Body with 7 laws, Commission I and III with 6 laws, Commission VI and XI with 5 laws, Special Committee DPR 3 laws, Commission X 2 laws, and Commission V, VII, IX, and Banggar with 1 law each. Meanwhile, Commission IV does not produce a law.
During this trial, continued Puan, the DPR RI together with the Government and also the DPD RI will continue the discussion of 13 (thirteen) Draft Law which is currently still at Level I Discussions and other Draft Laws that are included in the Priority Prolegnas in 2023.
DPR RI during this session, said Puan, will also pay great attention to various problems that are of concern to the people. Among them, anticipating the impact of global geopolitical conflicts that are still uncertain. El Nino's extreme weather phenomenon of food security and availability of clean water.
Observing the problem of the impact of the debt of a number of SOEs. Highlighting the problem of rampant cases of sexual violence. Observing Indonesia's energy transition process in supporting renewable energy. Beware of banking electronic crime phenomena that threaten the security of personal data, and emphasize the importance of assistance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
Puan reminded that the government must have a high commitment to follow up on various decisions of commission work meetings and other Council Completeness Equipment.
"The Government's commitment to implementing this shows that there is mutual respect for the authority between the Executive and Legislative institutions," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.
The Indonesian House of Representatives, added Puan, will also pay attention to the implementation of the Election stages which have been implemented in 2023. "The DPR will oversee the implementation of the 2024 General Election," he concluded.
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