JAKARTA - Deputy for Funding and Investment of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) Agung Wicaksono stated that IKN is committed to being a low-carbon city.

"This IKN will be the most basic smart sustainable forest city but this sustainable is the most important thing here is its commitment to be tested. The first is about climate change. IKN already has a commitment and is now preparing a master plan to achieve net zero emissions (NZE)," Agung said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 15.

To achieve this, continued Agung, IKN will later be very strict related to activities that can cause environmental pollution and air pollution.

"The one that is the most crowded in newspapers and until the President flat (limited meeting) is currently a matter of pollution, Jakarta and even South Tangerang. I am also surprised that I live in South Tangerang, the air quality index is 170, the main is above 150. Balikpapan IKN is still 17, how do we maintain this. IKN is a matter of giving clean air to our children and because the name is net zero emissions, we want to do global warming," he said.

The next step, he said, was through the use of electric vehicles for mobility in the IKN area.

"The mobility within this area means that the spatial planning is made in such a way that mobility is easy with public transportation whose base is electricity and private vehicles that enter the moment we cannot say whether it will be completely prohibited or limited (but) electric vehicles that are encouraged to enter," said Agung.

Next regarding the allocation of space. He said that the allocation of space is the heaviest and key factor in efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

"The third thing that is the hardest but this is the key is the allocation of space. IKN targets only 25 percent of which will be in the form of land with an environment that is built. Meanwhile, 75 percent will remain green open spaces," said Agung.

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