The joint SAR team evacuated a fishing boat that experienced engine disruptions adrift in the waters of Pasia Tiku, Tanjung Mutiara District, West Pasaman, Tuesday, August 15. "The evacuation is ongoing by pulling the ship to the edge of Pasia Tiku," he said in Lubuk Basung, West Pasaman, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Tuesday, August 15, which was confiscated by Antara.

The fishing boat from Air Bangis was swayed by a distance of about 12 miles from the coast of Pasia Tiku.

The Bagan type ship named KM Bahari Mandiri 03 with the number of crew members (ABK) 14 people experienced an incident while looking for fish in Tiku waters. The joint SAR team consisting of the TNI AL Pasia Tiku, Pol Air Agam, sub-district and fishermen. "We immediately coordinated with the relevant agencies after receiving the report," he said.

He added that the joint SAR team immediately searched for the whereabouts of the ship and the team found the ship at around 11.30 WIB. When found, the condition of the 14 crew members was safe.

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