JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summoned singer Windy Yunita Bastari Usman alias Windy Idol today, Tuesday, August 15. He was summoned as a witness in the bribery case handling the case that ensnared the inactive Secretary of the Supreme Court Hasbi Hasan. "The investigation took place at the KPK's Red and White Building," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Tuesday, August 15. In addition to Windy Idol, there are two other witnesses who will be questioned in this case. They are entrepreneurs named Riris Riska Diana and MA employee Andhika Rahman. It has not been detailed about the summons by Ali. However, the three of them are expected to fulfill the investigator's summons to make light of the case that ensnared Hasbi. Previously, Windy had already been summoned by investigators from the anti-corruption commission in this case. He is suspected of receiving money to manage witnesses.
Even so, Windy denied the bribery case in case management that ensnared Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Hasbi Hasan and former Commissioner of PT Wika Beton, Dadan Tri Yudianto. He also admitted that he was confused about the rumored proximity to Hasbi. "I am at all, at all, one percent is not related to this case," Windy told reporters after undergoing an examination at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday, May 29.
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