JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) did not carry out many arrest operations (OTT) during the first semester of 2023.

One of the cases that was successfully uncovered from this silent operation was the alleged bribery of a railway project at the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation.

"The KPK conducted three arrests (during Semester I to June 2023, ed)," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata at a press conference at the 2023 KPK Semester I performance at the KPK Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Monday, August 14.

Alexander detailed that another OTT was the bribe that ensnared Meranti Regent M. Adil and OTT Mayor of Bandung Yana Mulyana.

"Some time ago, the KPK also arrested the procurement of goods and services at Basarnas," he said.

The operation that eventually ensnared the Head of the National SAR Agency (Basarnas) Marshal Henri Alfiandi was carried out in August. As a result, this case was not included in the achievements of the KPK in the first half.

In the case of the DJKA project bribery, there were 10 people named as suspects. Four bribe recipients, namely the Head of the Central Java BTP Putu Sumarjaya; West Java BTP PPK Synto Pirjani Hutabarat; PPK South Sulawesi Fire Train Management Center (BPKA) Achmad Affandi; PPK Facidansyah Railway Infrastructure.

Then the rest as givers are Directors of PT Istana Putra Agung (IPA), Dion Renato Sugiarto; Director of PT Dwifarita Fajarkharisma, Muchamad Hikmat; and former Director of PT KA Management Properti, Yoseph Ibrahim.

These ten suspects are suspected of carrying out fraudulent practices related to the train project in the country. Among them, the construction of the Solo Balapan-Kadipiro-Kalioso double train line and the railway line construction project in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

Meanwhile, in the Meranti Regency case, three suspects were named. They are the Regent of Meranti M. Adil; Head of the Meranti Islands Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Fitria Nengsih; and M Fahmi Aressa as the Junior Audit of the Riau Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

In this case, Adil committed three clusters of alleged corruption. First, he allegedly quoted a deposit from a regional work unit (SKPD).

The money is thought to have come from cutting inventory money (UP) and changing inventory money (GUP). The amount is around 5 percent to 10 percent for each SKPD.

Second, Adil is also suspected of accepting bribes in the procurement of Umrah travel services amounting to Rp 1.4 billion. The money was received from Fitria Nengsih who also serves as the head of the PT Tanur Muthmainnah branch.

Finally, Adil is suspected of bribing the Head of the Riau Representative BPK Team, M. Fahmi Aressa. The goal is that Meranti Islands Regency get an unqualified opinion (WTP).

In the last arrest operation, the KPK named the Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, as a suspect along with a number of other people. They are suspected of carrying out fraudulent practices related to the procurement of CCTV and internet network provider services for the Bandung Smart City program.

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