NTT - A manual ticket can only be done by certified members of the police. Kupang City Police stated that 35 of its members already have a series of people who can do this authority.

"Then officers who are allowed to do manual ticketing are only members of the Kupang City Police Traffic Unit who already have a certificate and an investigator or assistant investigator," said Kupang City Police Chief Rishian Krisna Budhiaswanto in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Monday, August 14, as reported by Antara.

Rishian admitted that not all members of the Kupang City Police Traffic Unit who served in the field had a ticket certificate. However, gradually there will be the opportunity to take vocational education in order to get a certificate.

"We continue to strive so that all members of the Kupang City Police Traffic Unit, which are members of almost 50 people, can have a ticket certificate," he said.

Rishian also appealed to Kupang residents to always obey traffic so that they can minimize traffic accidents.

He said the Kupang City Police would review the ease of making driving licenses (SIM) for residents to welcome the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.

"The ease in the driving license (SIM) exam has been carried out by eliminating the '8' track and zigzag is replaced with a new track in the form of 'S' so that it is easier," said Rishian Krisna Budhiaswanto.

He also reminded motorcycle drivers in Kupang City to always wear safety helmets when riding motorbikes on public roads and not using racing exhausts that can interfere with the comfort of other road users.

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