North Jakarta Metro Police (Jakut) took the path to reconcile the alleged sexual harassment case with the suspect RW 06 head in Pluit with the initials ST (72) with the victim RI, a member of the Village Consultative Institution (LMK).

The Head of PPA for the North Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Marotul Aeni, said that there were things that the victim could not accept, so the case process in a restorative justice alias RJ was not implemented.

"When in the investigation process, we have tried RJ. We present the two, all parties. We try to mediate. But there is no agreement. We also cannot force it," he said when confirmed, Sunday, August 13.

Aeni explained that the suspect ST actually admitted that he had abused the victim verbally. However, because the purpose of the action was only a joke, the victim did not accept it.

"He admitted to doing that, saying that. But, 'I'm just joking'. That. Not admitting it but he jokingly said it. Even though in this law the perspective is not from the perpetrator, but the victim," he said.

Currently, ST, who has been named a suspect, has not been detained by the Jakut Police. According to Aeni, the suspect ST was charged with a minor crime case so he was not detained.

For this article, Article 5 [Indonesia Law Number 12 of 2022], the penalty is only 9 months. So we don't make arrests, nor do we arrests," he said.

Aeni said that the suspect had so far been summoned for questioning. However, the person concerned through his lawyer stated that he was unable to attend due to illness.

"That's why we summoned the suspect. We have already made a summons, but the suspect is 72 years old. So yesterday the lawyer came here to ask for a time delay, because the suspect was sick," he said.

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