JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the government will not take a stand regarding the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) regarding the appeal of the four defendants for premeditated murder against Brigadier J.
According to him, the government cannot intervene in judicial institutions so it does not take a stand on the cassation decisions of Ferdy Sambo, Putri Chandrawati, Ricky Rizal Wibowo and Strong Ma'ruf.
"I think this is a problem with the judiciary, the regional issue is jurisdictional, therefore the government will certainly not take a stand on these decisions," said the Vice President on the sidelines of activities in East Java, Thursday, August 10, which was confiscated by Antara.
The vice president said the government should not intervene in court decisions, high courts or cassations.
He invited parties who were not satisfied with the Supreme Court's decision to take the available legal mechanism.
The Supreme Court has eased the sentence against the defendants of premeditated murder Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat.
First, Ferdy Sambo's sentence is life imprisonment from the previous death penalty. Second, Putri Candrawathi's sentence who is also Ferdy Sambo's wife was sentenced to 10 years in prison from the previous 20 years.
Third, Ricky Rizal's sentence is an eight-year prison sentence from the previous 13 years. Fourth, the sentence for Strong Ma'ruf, a household assistant (ART) Ferdy Sambo, became 10 years from the previous 15-year prison sentence.
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