MEDAN - Footage of the futsal match at the North Sumatra Sports Hall, full of viral audiences on social media. Even though COVID-19 cases are still high.

In the video, the audience does not adjust the distance. The crowd even spilled over to the sidelines.

In the video, the live text of the 2021 Fun Futsal Cup final on January 31 is pinned. This match was held at the North Sumatra Dispora Sports Hall, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.

"It is very full, yes, because in the final the crowd was pouring out of the audience and even the spectators outside were unable to enter," said the commentator.

Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Regional Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said he was still investigating the video.

"The North Sumatra Regional Police will coordinate with the task force to investigate the incident," Hadi told reporters, Monday, February 1.

If proven to have violated, said Hadi, his party would take firm action. But he did not specify what kind of stern action his side would take.

"The Kapolda's strict order to the Kasatwil is that during the COVID-19 pandemic there will be no crowd permits and must be disbanded," he said.

He also said the match was not organized by the Polda.

"Polda never held the match. The Polda team did not compete," he said.

Later the related parties will be summoned in the investigation process. "We will call both from his place, the person in charge of everything," he said.

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