The Downstreaming of Mangan natural resources (Mn) in East Nusa Tenggara is still facing obstacles. Namely related to mining business licensing Mangan.

The Presidential Staff Office Expert, Sudiyarto, said the licensing issue included the preparation of the Work Plan and Fee Budget (RKAB) document, as well as technical constraints on the existing system at the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"Such as technical constraints on the Minerba Online Monitoring System (MOMS)," said Sudiyarto in a coordination meeting to accelerate downstreaming and industrialize Mangan's natural resources, in Kupang, Friday, August 4.

The Coordination Meeting was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, and mining business actors Mangan.

Sudiyarto reminded that downstreaming of natural resources, including Mangan, is one of President Joko Widodo's five priority agendas.

Although Indonesia's manganese resource reserves for the world are not so large or about 3.8% (49.6 million Tons of Mn), the quality is number one in the world. "For this reason, the issue of licensing for this Manganese mine must be resolved immediately so as not to hinder its downstreaming or industry," he said.

Sudiyarto also asked ministries/agencies to consider the aspirations of business actors, namely the need for affirmation policies for Mangan's commodities in East Nusa Tenggara. Moreover, Mangan has different characteristics compared to other strategic mineral and coal commodities. "In addition, Mangan's mining business contribution to the community's economy in NTT is significant," concluded Sudiyarto.

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