NTB - A resident named I Gusti Nyoman Gunung sued the ownership of the land occupied by the Sandubaya Sector Police Headquarters (Mapolsek) in Mataram City. How did the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police (Polda) respond?

"What is clear is that we already have evidence to fight the lawsuit. We will show it at trial," said Head of Legal Affairs of the NTB Police, Kombes Pol Abdul Azas Siagian in Mataram, Friday, August 4, confiscated by Antara.

So far, he said, the court is still trying to resolve this case through the mediation stage.

"So, it has not yet entered the trial. It is still being mediated by the court. Even if it reaches the trial, we will show evidence later," he said.

Mataram District Court spokesman Kelik Trimargo confirmed the existence of the civil lawsuit.

"Yes, it is ongoing. Information on the progress of the case can be seen through the official website of the Mataram District Court," said Kelik.

Based on the Case Tracking Information System (SIPP) of the Mataram District Court, the case has been registered with Number: 145/Pdt.G/2023/PN Mtr which was registered on July 17, 2023.

Acting as plaintiffs are heirs of land named I Gusti Nyoman Gunung through attorneys Heri Ardianysah, Gusti Vhysnu Punar, Lalu Abdul Gafur, and Jan Richard Tandawuja.

The lawsuit lists five defendants, namely the Sandubaya Police, Nyoman Nursana, Nana, and Agoes Hs, and the Mataram City National Land Agency (BPN) Office.

In the petitum, the plaintiff stated that the defendants who controlled the disputed land without legal rights and had issued certificates of rights on land for the object of the dispute were unlawful acts.

The plaintiff stated that the law for all letters and/or documents issued by the defendants, namely Certificate of Ownership (SHM) Number 817/Mandalika Village, Letter of Measurement Number 991/Mandalika/2014 with an area of 634 square meters on behalf of the defendant Agoes HS and other rights certificates do not have binding legal force.

The plaintiff also asked the defendants to vacate the object of the dispute and dismantle all the buildings above it and ask for moral compensation of Rp. 5 billion and material of Rp. 9.25 billion in retential responsibility.

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