RIAU - Former Chairman of the Bengkalis General Election Commission (KPU), Fadhillah Al Mausuly, was arrested by the police. Fadhillah was arrested after being a suspect in the alleged corruption case of the 2020 local Regent Election Grant (Pilbup) amounting to Rp40 billion.
"Fadhillah, we have detained and named him as a suspect on Monday, July 31, 2023 at around 17.00 WIB, regarding the alleged corruption of the election grant for the Regent and deputy regent of Bengkalis in 2020 amounting to Rp40 billion," said Bengkalis Police Chief, AKBP Setyo Bimo Anggoro, in Bengkalis, Riau Province, Wednesday, August 2, confiscated by Antara.
The police chief said, of the Rp40 billion in the grant budget, the Bengkalis KPU used a budget of Rp35,590,438,121. This is in accordance with the Direct Grant Ratification Order (SP2HL) as of August 3, 2021, so that it has more budget calculations (SILPA) of Rp.4,409,491,879 and has been returned to the Bengkalis Regency Regional treasury.
After that, based on the Order for Ratification of Direct Grant Revenue Returns (SP4HL) as of August 4, 2021 and proof of deposits through Bank BNI on April 26, 2021, then based on the audit report on the results of the calculation of state financial losses conducted by the Indonesian KPU Inspectorate Number: LAP-229/K/10/200 dated November 3, 2022, it was found that the total value of state losses was IDR 4.5 billion.
In addition, the results of an investigation conducted by Unit III of the Bengkalis Police Criminal Investigation Unit found several unlawful acts. This was done by the Bengkalis KPU Secretariat and the then chairman of the KPU.
"The Bengkalis Regency KPU Secretariat does not carry out its duties and responsibilities as a financial manager, causing state financial losses based on the results of an audit conducted by the KPU Inspectorate," said the Police Chief.
In fact, said the Police Chief, the KPU chairman borrowed personal money from the assistant treasurer using a grant.
"The chairman of the KPU based on NPHD and SPTJM is the party in full responsibility for the use of grant funds received from the Bengkalis Regency Government," said the officer with the rank of two jasmine.
Previously in this case, four Civil Servants (PNS) had previously been named as suspects including Puji Hartono, always the power of budget user (KPA), Candra Gunawan as the treasurer of expenditure, Muhammad Soleh as the official in signing the payment order (PPSPM), and Hendra Rianda as the official commitment maker (PPK).
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