The TNI Military Police Center (Puspom) stated that Kabasarnas Marshal Henri Alfiandi ordered Lt. Col. Admi Afri Budi Cahyanto to receive nearly Rp1 billion in money from the President Director (Dirur) of PT Intertekno Grafika, Marliya or Meri. The alleged bribe was referred to as profit sharing.

"ABC received such money from sister Meri on the orders of Kabasarnas," said Danpuspom TNI Marsda TNI Agung Handoko to reporters, Monday, July 31.

From the results of the examination, the order to receive the money was delivered directly by Marshal Henri Alfiandi to Lieutenant Colonel Admi Afri Budi Cahyanto on July 20.

Until finally, Lt. Col. Admi Afri Budi Cahyanto met Meri in the parking lot of a bank at the Indonesian Navy Headquarters. There, there was the giving of money which was referred to as profit sharing.

"ABC received money from Sdri. Meri in the amount of Rp. 999,710,400, - on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at around 14.00 WIB," he said.

The money distribution is said to be Meri's obligation as a private party in terms of profit sharing in the completion of the project to find victims of the ruins.

"This profit sharing may be a term from ABC itself," said Agung.

Meanwhile, Kabasarnas Marshal Henri Alfiandi and his subordinates, Lt. Col. Adri Budi Cahyanto, have been named suspects.

The determination of the suspects against the two was based on the results of an in-depth investigation conducted by the TNI Puspom team. From the statements of the parties involved in the procurement project, the actions of the two active members of the TNI are considered to meet the elements of a criminal act of corruption.

With the determination of the suspect, Marshal Henri Alfiandi and Lt. Col. Adri Budi Cahyanto are detained as of today.

"Against the two tonight, we will also detain them and we will place them in a military detention installation belonging to the air force military police center in Halim," said Agung.

In this case they are suspected of under Article 12 a or b or Article 11 of Law number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption as which has been changed to Law number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to Law number 31 taham 1999 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.

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